Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Well, time to update the ol' blog, I suppose. How about a Christmas Letter-slash-blog update to get back to present?

The year 2007 has been good/interesting/full of changes for our family. Let's start with Ryan! He's changed jobs from managing the local Wells Fargo branch to now being a Business Relationship Manager. So far, so good. He's loving the change and the fact that everyone else's problems are no longer HIS problems as well. The folks he's working with have all been great, and its been a good transition. Ryan was also promoted to the rank of Major in the Army National Guard. He serves as the training officer for the battalion (of some 700+ soldiers) which is a big job. But again, so far so good. And, when he isn't doing my bidding, Ryan also serves on the Board of Directors for the local Economic Developement Corporation.

As for me, I am either driving the kiddos somewhere in my mama-van, doing laundry, or hooked on the computer. I have become obsessed with digital scrapbooking! I have been scrapbooking for several years now and I have no idea how I missed the whole DIGITAL thing up until late this summer, but I am now hooked. I have taken classess at (which I highly recommend!) and am looking forward to another class in 2008. You can see some of my work at the bottom of the blog!

We are also now boat owners! We found a boat in late September that's perfect for our family. I'm pretty sure I posted about it here.... maybe back in October.

Ben is six years old and in the first grade this year, and is truly flourishing. He has become a fabulous reader. Ben is a sweet, thoughtful, and sensitive boy. Of course, he is an oldest and takes that role seriously with telling his brother what to do and how to do it! He has been taking gymnastics and also did swimming lessons in the late spring/early summer. Currently he is not in any sporting activities, due to another broken arm. Yes, another. The first day he was out of his brace from his November fracture, he fractured the same arm in the same place. He was at school, had gone down the slide and another kid slid down and crashed into Ben's arm with his boot. We were called to come get him because he was really hurting. After a trip to the dr's office (which we are getting good at) and an X-ray (also getting good at) another fracture was confirmed. And, YES, we will be seeing a specialist and getting a bone density study. We are so sad for our poor boy, stuck in a cast yet again. This time he know's what he's in for and he is really quite bummed out! Although, he is quite a trooper and keeps up the best he can. So, although he can't do any sporting activities, he and Sam are enjoying AWANA at our local church.

Sam, our busy little boy, is four and a half, and in preschool. He loves going to school and all his friends. He is learning so much, and having a brother who reads is a big encouragement. Sam loves to sound out letters and make words just like his brother. Sam is mostly a happy kid, always busy playing or talking, or talking about playing! He is quite headstrong and likes to do things himself, and can get easily frustrated if he doesn't accomplish that task he has set out to do. Sam can be very intense in that way. He is truly a joy though; when he's not busy playing, he loves to cuddle and sit and read books. He is always making us laugh- whether its in the car with me, asking me to put 'man music' on the radio, his quirky "East coast" accent, or just giggling at being tickled by his dad. Sam totally has the best giggle!

So, what else can I tell you? If you've made it this far, I think you are fully updated!
We are so very blessed- by our children, our life and home, our family and friends. We wish all of you the best for this Christmas and the new year!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Cast OFF

(Removable) Brace ON.

Welcome back, good hygiene, we've missed you.

Two more weeks and he should be completely healed. Yea!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Got Snow?

20 inches. Yes, twenty inches! See it stacked up on the table behind the kids? Fun, fun. Until we have to get all that off the driveway! (*Note to Santa: Ryan needs a new snowblower!!!)