This is how I say goodnight to my son every night. I sit next to him, and try to get a hug or a kiss. Most of the time he will throw one arm around my neck and say, "Goodnight, Mom.", his eyes never leaving the page. Of course, even when his eyes do look straight at me, I can tell most of him is still thoroughly entrenched with the wizards of
Hogwart's. What can I say, Harry Potter is tough competition!
I love that this picture shows the reading lamps I scored *on clearance* for the boys- best $4 I've ever spent! Now, they can't wait to go to bed each night because they 'get' to read for half an hour with their lamps on.
Also, I love that the
tooth fairy pillow is in this shot, hanging from the reading lamp. Ben had finally lost another baby tooth and got the pillow and hung it up all himself. Both boys seem a little suspicious of the tooth fairy, but we keep telling them that the proof is in the pocket... if you wake up to money where a tooth was placed, she must be real!