Sunday, September 9, 2007

First Day

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Sam's first day of preschool and Ben's first day of first grade! The day went terrifically well for all!

Ben was greeted by almost all his classmates from Kindergarten and seems to really like his new teacher. When he finally got home, he was exhausted and insisted on a nap! (That's gotta be a first right there!)

Sam had no trouble parting when I took him to preschool. He knew only one boy in the class, but really took to his teacher right away. They got busy unloading school supplies as I stood in the doorway, getting a bit misty-eyed. Sam looked up briefly and gave me a very quick "Bye, Mom!" as I left. When I came to pick him up, he folded his arms across his chest and gave me the big furrowed brow and asked, "Why didn't you pack my lunch???". You see, lunch is optional, and being the first day, I figured we'd not pack it. He couldn't wait until the next day to tote his new Batman lunch box to school!!!

As for me, I had a blissful first day/ week of school. I got to go grocery shopping by myself, sat at Starbuck's drinking coffee and reading the paper, and even went to workout! I think our new schedule is going to work out really well!

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