First Day of Funatics for the boys. (And a free day of skiing for me!) The weather was high overcast, and cold with highs in the mid teens.

I got both boys to their instructors on time, which was a small miracle considering we had to go buy new gloves for Ben. Seems someone forgot his gloves at home! I always ask them if they have everything, but it really is me who is actually accounting for everything and making sure to say ... where are your gloves? Oh well, lesson learned! I have now packed a bag of spare gloves for both boys to remain in our locker on the mountain.
Ben was off with his group and didn't look back... he is so very independent. Sam was with a group of all girls... instructor included! But, by lunch time they had shuffled groups a bit and there were some other boys in his group.
Both boys seem to have FABULOUS instructors who are interested in showing the kids a lot of FUN all over the mountain!
Ben skied Midway x3, Great Divide to JR, JR, then Great Divide to Vagabond, then back to the front side for Mushroom Garden (somewhere by Crystal) and Enchanted Forest. {Ben's group did not get as much skiing in, but he told me one of the kids twisted an ankle and had to go home.}
Sam skied Happy Trails, Enchanted Forest, Midway x2, Sky's Edge, Gypsy, then Vagabond and Cedar Park. (We are assuming he took the Great Escape to Great Divide and Down the Hatch to Vagabond.) This was his first time to the back side and up Stella! He really seemed happy that he got over there, and I am so pleased- that kid was all over the mountain!
I had a great ski day as well. I felt much stronger physically than the last time I skied. This was hopefully due to starting lessons and also some inserts I had put into my boots. I felt like my feet stayed put and didn't get thrown into the front of the boot like they had before, so that was a great improvement. I also tried to really practice what we learned at our lesson on Tuesday and really work the ski.
I went to Midway, Lower Sam's Alley, Basin Trail to Ridge Run, Great Divide, Down the Hatch, Vagabond, Cedar Park, Cathedral Aisle, Zip Down x2 (second time after a failed attempt at Stella's Run... it was too deep!), and one more quick run through Vagabond/Cedar Park before I headed back to the front to pick up the kids.

The above shot was looking down into the village from Ridge Run. It was there that I had a really emotional moment, thinking about this time from last year...
That was a Sunday afternoon in 2010, although the camera stamp says other wise. That was the first and last time that Dad skied with my boys. Dad, Ben, and I skied Midway and Lower Sam's Alley together. Dad came up to watch the kids one day in the 2009 season, but wasn't feeling well enough to ski that day. I'm so thankful that he did on that day in 2010.
This shot was taken on my last run of the day. I was struck by how beautifully the light was hitting the mountains in the distance. It was a really good day.
1 comment:
Looks and sounds like a great day! Good to have great memories about Dad to think back on....and what a great place to have those memories....he loved it up there.
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