Monday, March 30, 2009

What Sam learned to do on Spring Break: monitor his own fever!

Monday, March 23, 2009

I {heart} faces "no flash" entry

I've been taking a photography class and, by default, taking LOTS of pictures! So far, all of them have been with no flash and on manual settings. When I ran across a chance to enter a photo at, I thought I might as well give it a shot! I did give this shot a bit of photoshoppin'--- I added a soft vignette to the edges and did some sharpening/defogging...

This is a close-up of Sam who was riding his scooter down the driveway and through a big ol' yucky puddle at the bottom! I'm surprised he stopped long enough to let me snap the pic. You should have seen the laundry generated from that afternoon!